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Shandong Liuchu Refrigeration Equipment Closed Cooling Tower / News / Industry News / Liuchu Refrigeration helps you analyze what are the advantages of closed cooling towers?

Liuchu Refrigeration helps you analyze what are the advantages of closed cooling towers?

Views: 27     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-23      Origin: Site


Liuchu Refrigeration helps you analyze what are the advantages of closed cooling towers?

Liuchu Refrigeration helps you analyze the advantages of closed cooling towers. Compared with open cooling towers, closed cooling towers have very obvious advantages, so current cooling systems basically use closed cooling towers.

1. Closed cycle

The circulating medium is completely closed and completely isolated from the outside world. It can not only cool water, but also all other flowable media, such as oil cooling, alcohols, refrigerants, salts and other fluids. For example, hydraulic oil cannot penetrate into water, so it originally has to pass through The intermediate links of shell and tube heat exchangers or plate heat exchangers can now be fed directly into the closed cooling tower tube bundle.

2. Reduce land occupation and eliminate the need for a pool

Due to completely closed circulation within the pipe or equipment, there is no longer a need to dig pools to store fluids. During the overall layout of the factory in the early stages of construction, land resources can be more fully utilized to arrange production equipment, processes and buildings. If the closed cooling tower is placed on the roof of the building, it will further reduce land use and save huge land costs.

3. Reduce operating costs

During operation, the two modes of air cooling and air cooling + spray are automatically switched without manual intervention, saving labor, electricity and water consumption costs, and unlike the operation of an open tower, a large amount of chemicals are added to ensure scaling. and algae problems, saving pesticide costs.

4. Improve production efficiency and reduce failures

Since the temperature and composition of the circulating water are guaranteed, the process production equipment is guaranteed to be cooled, reducing breakdowns and maintenance, and the working hours are fully guaranteed, which indirectly improves production efficiency.

5. Extend the life of production equipment

The stable composition and quality of circulating water can discharge heat energy from production equipment in a timely manner. The internal cooling system will not be clogged or corroded, extending the service life of the equipment.

6. No change in ingredients

Because it is isolated from the outside world, the composition of the medium is stable, and only cooling reduces the temperature. If it does not change due to cooling, the composition will not change.

7. Does not evaporate

There is no contact with the atmosphere, only temperature changes, no water vapor is produced, and it is completely inside the pipeline or equipment, passing through it at full flow, and cannot evaporate. The total fluid capacity will not be reduced, and there is no need to add new fluid.

8. No scaling

Since the calcium and magnesium plasma dissolved in it neither evaporates nor replenishes new liquid, the total number of ions remains unchanged and the total volume of the solution remains unchanged. According to the definition of concentration, the ratio of quantity to volume will never change. Even if there is a certain amount of calcium and magnesium ions in it, since its saturation is not exceeded, there will be no scaling. For safety reasons, pure water is still used as the circulating medium, which can ensure that the entire system does not scale.

9. No impurities

Whether it is production equipment, system pipelines and closed cooling towers, they are all isolated from the outside world, and all external impurities cannot enter. Pay attention to two points in this regard. First, do not store it in a pool to prevent impurities from entering and evaporating. Second, add corrosion inhibitors and other chemicals to prevent the metal on the inner walls of passing equipment or pipelines from corroding, producing impurities, and blocking pipelines or accessories.

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